Products Perent

Road Works Bitumen Products complying with related standard specification of ASTM, AASHTO and B.S.

  1. All grades of Bitumen Cutbacks e.g. MC30, MC70,MC3000, RC70, RC250, RC800 and RC3000.
  2. All grades of An ionic bitumen Emulsions e.g. RS-1, RS-2, MS-1, MS-2, MS-2H, SS1 and SSIH
  3. All grades of Cationic bitumen Emulsions  e.g. K1-40, K1-60, K1-70, K2,K3, CRS-1, CRS-2 and CSSIH
  4. All kind of pen paving graded bitumen e.g. 80/100, 50/70, 60/70 and 40/50.
  5. Selective grades of blown bitumen e.g. 85/25, 105/35 and 115/15
  6. Road maintenance and repair products e.g. IRR and hot applied sealants


Waterproofing and industrial application Bitumen Products complying with Standard Specification of ASTM and B.S.

  1. Solvent base bitumen coating and priming products e.g. Primer D41, Black Bitumen Paint, Primer type 3 and Primer type 4.
  2. Water base clay filed bitumen coating and priming products e.g. Bitucoat and primer ASTM D1227.
  3. Neat Bitumen Emulsions e.g. ASTM D1227 and Black Bitumen Paint.
  4. Bitumen SBR modified Emulsions e.g. BituWet WB, RBE 3510, RBE4010, RBE6005, RBE6010, RBE6510, RBE6515 and RBE 1000.
  5. Bitumen SBS modified solvent base products e.g. BituWet SB.
  6. Bitumen Fibrated Emulsion.
  7. Bitumen Sealant (cold & hot applied)
  8. Bitumen Aluminum reflected paint